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The John Newton Project
Amazing Grace Resources to download
These resources are the copyright of
The John Newton Project
They may be freely used for non-commercial purposes in church services and meetings.
For copyright reasons,
the PowerPoint may not be duplicated
John Newton's 1773 New Year's Day sermon on 1 Chronicles 17:16,17 (which was accompanied by the hymn
Amazing Grace
, based on the same text and sermon)
double-sided leaflet
the words of John Newton's hymn
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace words
A5 flyer
Amazing Grace
words with a summary of their source
A5 pdf
comparison of:
1. Scripture verses in 1 Chronicles 17 with Newton's hymn
Amazing Grace
2. Sermon with Newton's hymn
Amazing Grace
table comparing Scripture verse, sermon and hymn verses
PowerPoint (for congregational singing) of the words (with images) for Newton's hymn
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace ppt words with images
video showing how the words for Newton's hymn
Amazing Grace
were drawn directly from 1 Chronicles 17:16,17
click this link to download from vimeo
Resources for a short concert on Amazing Grace
Six of the earliest known tunes for
Amazing Grace
as premiered at St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe, March 2017
audio by The English Chamber Choir
music score by Guy Protheroe
background by the JNP
download mp3
download pdf
download Word file
Marylynn Rouse, 05/11/2016
Article printed from at 08:48 on 29 March 2025