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The John Newton Project
Miscellaneous Hymns
John Newton was asked by a friend to compose two hymns, each last line ending with "remember me",
the words of the dying thief on the Cross:
And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom
Luke 23:42
Follow the links below to:
Remember me [1st hymn]
Jesus the Truth, the Life, the Way...
Remember me [2nd hymn]
The thief who near the Saviour hung...
A Hymn by Timothy Dudley-Smith written for The John Newton Project to mark the bicentenary in 2007 of legislation
by Parliament and Congress to abolish British and American participation in the slave trade:
Our God and Father, whose eternal mind
Marylynn Rouse, 30/12/2019
Article printed from at 08:54 on 29 March 2025